Friday, February 22, 2013

Frazzled Mom Shopping with Crazy Kid | Don't Pass Judgment

I went to the grocery store to pick up some items last evening.  While I was browsing the aisles, I overheard a young boy melting down having a full-on fit right where he dropped; he was not happy shopping with his parents.  From an onlookers point of view, it may have appeared that this boy was in charge!  But his dad was very patient.  He corrected his son's behavior.  Talked quietly to his son, giving him instruction I'm sure on what is the most appropriate behavior in a grocery store.  Mind you, this boy looked to be about two years old.

A little later on I was checking out when I noticed the mom and dad checking out too.  The little boy's mood was no different than twenty minutes ago.  The mom looked defeated as her son ran away from her towards the door.  The dad looked out of place trying to pay for his groceries while running after his son.  These parents were exhausted.  The boy was overtired.  And the check out lady looked a bit annoyed by the noise the boy was making.

I quietly loaded my groceries in my bags but thought to myself how much I could relate to these parents.  I tried to make eye-contact with the mom to let her know that she was not alone and that I understood how she was feeling in this awkward moment.  I've had moments like this with both of my boys.  How embarrassing to see your child throw a tantrum while you try very judiciously to handle the episode like you are in total control.  Except, let's be honest, the attempt is futile because at least for that moment you feel like you have very little control and like you want to run far away from everyone's staring eyes!

I wanted to say something to this mom as she was walking out of the store but she averted her eyes from me.  I've been there too.  Looking off, avoiding everyone's stare and glare and their judgment on my parenting skills.  I felt like I wanted to do something to encourage her but the opportunity just wasn't there.  So I prayed.

Before I had children, I was judgmental towards "those" moms who looked frazzled dazzled and out of control with their children.  Sometimes the fact is that parents don't always do a good job at well parenting.  But I'm willing to bet that most of the time when you see a mom struggling in the store most likely she isn't one of "those" moms.  Moms have bad moments.  Children have bad moments. That's it.

So I say this:  if you see a mom having a hard time with her child, extend grace and mercy to her especially if you are a parent yourself by offering a smile or a word of encouragement by sharing a simple statement like "I so relate to you right now!" "Hang in there." Grace and mercy are two of the sweetest gifts we can give to each other. Kindness goes a long way.  Understanding and compassion are easy to give too when we put ourselves in other people's shoes.

Grace & Peace to you today!  And may you experience grace, mercy, understanding, and compassion in your life.

♥ Dori

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Spontaneous? Me? I Think So!

I am a planner.  This trait can be good or not so good.  I seem to be breaking out of my shell lately.  I feel freer these days.  Not weighted down by much.  Very thankful for the rest God is giving me following difficult years past.  It isn't like me usually to do spontaneous things.  I don't exactly like that about myself I don't think.  I use to do those types of things when I was younger, throwing caution to the wind.  I chuckle here because I didn't do something like bungee jumping today.  Or skydiving.  Or take a long trip on the spur of the moment.

I just took Judah to a place called BounceTown.  Had no plans to do this.  Just dropped everything (all the housework, dishes, laundry, meal planning, etc.), grabbed my boy, and headed over there.  I'm glad I did.  We spent an hour and a half running, jumping, falling, sliding, laughing, and bumping into each other while working our way through the bouncy obstacle courses.  Yes, I was sweating by the end of it.  I was the only mom running through these courses like a crazy girl trying to keep up with Judah. 

I felt like a kid again.

I pushed myself to keep up with my little guy.

Joy was bursting through watching Judah conquer it all.

I was at peace.

Having fun.  Thinking of nothing but just enjoying my time with my son.

At one point, when we stopped for a snack, all I could do was stare at my child's face.  Thanking God in my heart for this moment with him.  No rules.  No instruction.  No schedule.  Spur of the moment actions are good from time to time.  That was me today.  I think I could get use to this.

Grace & Peace,

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Weight Steals Too Much Time From Me

Yesterday was cluttered with failures, mistakes, and wondering if I could really attain the goals I've set before me.  Losing weight is not easy.  Bad habits are hard to break.  Motivating myself to exercise is difficult in the midst of my busy life with my boys.  Craving that ice cream sandwich, and giving in is easier than doing five sit-ups for me.  I can feel sorry for myself all I want but the decision to give in to my temptation doesn't go away.  It stares at me, daring me to fail. 

What is important here?

Losing 50 lbs?

For vanity sake?

Getting into the jeans that young teens are wearing?

Or my own jeans from pre-baby for that matter!

Looking like an ad model?

Being puffed up by the compliments received over my small success?


Being healthy so I can do all that God has called me to do?

Taking care of the body God gave me, because life is a gift.

Raising healthy boys, and being a good example to them.

Living life with my husband.

The latter things are what's important.

Grounding myself in eternal things, and removing things from my life that take too much of my time and focus is an important endeavor.  Weight steals too much time from me. 

Yesterday is marked down in the history books.  Today is what I make of it.  Today is my new beginning.  Today is my first step to freedom.  Today is my renewed opportunity to win.  I'm not giving up like in times past.  I'm running towards my goals with new vigor and vitality. 

To God be the glory.

~ Dori