Monday, December 5, 2011

Wait, Listen, Obey + Boundaries = Balance

I used to love living fast and free, avoiding strict routines and regimented days.  I've noticed lately though that I crave balance.  When I was a bit younger, the "living free" lifestyle didn't include caring for a family or raising my boys.  And since those important gifts have been added to my life, my priorities have definitely changed.  All the more reason I need to find balance.

I was talking with a friend today who shared with me that she finally found balance in her life.  I was intrigued by this statement.  I asked her, "what does that look like?"  She said she's achieved balance in her life from learning how to wait on God before she commits to or moves forward on anything.  As soon as she mentioned the word "wait" I thought, "man God loves this action of waiting.  It comes up in practically everything I do."  She went on to mention a couple more key components that have brought balance to her life, which are listening and obeying.  Later when I had time to think about our conversation I pieced it together this way:

Wait.  Listen. Obey + Boundaries = Balance

Could it be that easy?  I wasn't sure.  But when I looked at her life, and saw bright beautiful peace in her eyes, and experienced the simple life she's living with her family, I had to give credence to her formula.  When I wait on the Lord to confirm in my heart whether to take on something new, then I am truly taking on what is important to Him.  If He's in it then I will have peace, and my responsibilities will come more easily to me.  When I stop to listen to God speak, I won't be led in the wrong direction.  When I obey God, I am walking in His perfect will.  In Matthew 11:30, Jesus said, "For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light" (New Living Translation).

When I got home from her house, I sat down before the Lord to ponder these things.  I was led to this word, which was on-time and for me:
"Come to Me, daughter, when you feel out of control and overextended.  I want to take you to a place where you can be still and reflect on your life.  I did not call you to be everything to everyone.  You have placed that demand on yourself.  Even My son, Jesus, needed to walk away from the demands of the crowd and find comfort alone with Me.  Let's write out what really matters most to you, so we can draw some boundaries to preserve your peace of mind and purpose for living.  Even I drew the boundaries around the mighty ocean.  It's good to take control of your valuable time and realize it's all right to say no.  That one word will deliver you from a life of pressure to a place of amazing control and peace.  Love, Your King, who knows your boundaries" (Sheri Rose Shepherd, His Princess, Love Letters From Your King).

Dear Lord, I am amazed by You.  Your goodness towards me never ceases.  You are steadfast, working on my behalf.  All the details and loose ends are put together by Your masterful hand.  You have a plan for my life.  Nothing will stop that plan from coming forward.  Thank you for reminding me of this word today.  I cast my cares upon You.  I ask You to define my boundaries.  To give me ears to hear.  To give me patience to be still and wait on You.  Father, I pray for peace for all those who desire balance in their life too.  I pray also for those hurting and for those who need a touch from You.  Please be merciful to them.  Heal their bodies, deliver them from brokenness and disease.  Lead us into a place of peace.  Let us remember Your Son's sacrifice and gift to us this Christmas.  Let us be thankful in all things, giving You an opportunity through our praise to work in our circumstances and on our behalf.  I pray for Your will to be established on earth as it is in heaven.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

God Bless Always,


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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. I look forward to reading what you have to say. God bless you! Dori