Monday, October 24, 2011

My Offering

Last week was one of those weeks that caught me off guard.  I've learned something about myself long ago that probably isn't a good thing.  I tend to retreat when I am battling something difficult.  Please forgive me if you called last week but didn't get me.  But I needed time to process through where I am.  I needed time to ask important questions about this place I am walking through.  Come on--you know what I'm talking about.  Life gives us incredible ups but certainly we all experience those low points.  And for many of us, the valley can be long. 

A couple of times I sat down to write my thoughts out.  I stopped.  Started.  Stopped.  Started.  And here I am again, starting.  But this morning my perspective has changed.  I feel renewed and full of hope again.  I started my day different, offering all that I am to God.  Surrendering myself--the struggle.  The unction to make things happen outside what God has required of me.  That felt good.  Emptying myself.  Yes, last week was a bit difficult but today is a new day.  One filled with hope and thanksgiving for all that God has given to us.  

Before I go, I feel led to share  my private thoughts with my readers, the ones that came from last week's hard place.  May God keep you and comfort you and give you all that you need.  In Jesus Name, Amen. 

The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name. 

Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff  protect and comfort me. You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings. 

Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever (Psalm 23, NLT).

Lord, You are my great God.  Guiding and leading me.  Showing me the right way even when I cannot see, I fear nothing because Your eyes are on me.  You miss nothing.  You don't waiver under pressure.  Your arms are strong.  Your shoulders wide.  They carry a load larger than me.  Your wisdom infinite.  I don't always understand...actually rarely do I understand why the hardship lasts as long as it does.  But it does.  And even in those places, You are with me.  Comforting me, like the good Shepherd.  You are close beside me.  Carrying me when I can't take another step.

When I think I am down and out, You swoop in to rescue me.  Yes, You save me.  Do You get tired Lord?  Do You ever wonder when I'll get it?  You alone are God.  You alone know my beginning from my end.  You created me when I was nothing but empty space.  You filled me with Your plans, ordered my steps.  Nothing takes You by surprise.  Thank God this is true.  I hope in You.

I lay awake in awesome wonder of Your greatness.  How You hold all of Your universe in Your hands.  And then, in the midst of it all, there I am...little me, for whom You care deeply.  I'm barely a speck in Your great big world but still You give me promises of hope and a great future.  The promise of eternity.  You listen intently to all my prayers.  To my petitions.  Your answers are sure.  They come in the nick of time.  You never leave me hanging.  You always come through for Your name sake.  Glory to God.  Praise be the name of the Lord forever.  I lift my voice in praise because You are on the throne.  Because You order my steps.  Because You are sovereign.  You are all knowing.  I will declare the goodness of the Lord all the days of my life.  Amen.


  1. God is so good, thank you for the reminder that we always hold on to His goodness...

  2. YOu speak to my heart-

  3. Rachel, thank you for your note. So encouraging to know you stopped by.

  4. Angie, thank you for sharing your thoughts. God is good all the time.

  5. The NLT version of Psalm 23 was just what I needed to read. When things seem so large that they are ready to swallow me up, I think how much I have been given. I have complete trust that He will see me through the dark valleys.

    Lately, I have been thinking about "I fear nothing, because Your eyes are on me." I was stopped when I heard a line from a Tenth Avenue North song that said fear is just a lie. Here is a link to the lyrics: "Strong Enough To Save"


  6. This song is a beautiful reminder that choosing to remember God's faithfulness and goodness in the midst of pain and sorrow becomes the very bread of life the nourishes, releasing our hurting hearts into joy! Ann Voskamp says this about the inner light that shines in these dark times..."It's only when grief and grace kindle us to the very same flame of gratitude to God - it's only then that our love for God ignites in a pure blaze of glory." Oh Lord, let it be so!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. I look forward to reading what you have to say. God bless you! Dori