Thursday, October 4, 2012

The God Who Sees Me

Many people think that God is far off, busy doing other things, and not at all interested in their daily lives.  People who hurt often believe that God must be disappointed in them or that He must not care about them because a loving God doesn't hurt people through pain, disaster or catastrophe.  They may ask, "Where is God today?"

Many years ago, I based my understanding of God on how I felt about myself.  If I was feeling down or disappointed in myself, then I imagined God felt the same way.  My tendency was to superimpose my own feelings in place of how God really sees me.  When I was feeling great about my good deeds then I felt very happy and very sure God was happy with me too.  The problem with feeling this way is that my feelings weren't reliable.  They are rooted in my humanity.  I related to God the way I related to others from my limited perspective.  But God's kingdom doesn't work that way.  His love for us is not conditional on how He "feels" from one day to the next.

His love doesn't increase when I'm doing good deeds or decrease when I've messed up.  He doesn't think I'm a drag when I come to Him with my brokenness, or when I'm seeking His loving care when I'm hurting, or when I need His help through hard circumstances.  He draws near to me when I'm broken hearted and sets me free from my impossible situation; and His action isn't contingent upon what I do.  I can't do enough to earn His love.  His love is constant.  God's love for us is unchangeable no matter what we do. 

When I was a child, I messed up a lot.  I remember one time when I was in third grade.  My dad told me I had to come home from school immediately--that I was not allowed to go to my friend's house.  I didn't listen to him.  I went to my friend's house anyway.  Yowza!  When I got home, my dad was not happy.  I received one good spanking.  One I wouldn't soon forget.  However, the next day when I was reminded again to come home after school, I didn't listen again.  I was hardheaded.  And I received another good whoopin', that I clearly deserved.  On the third day, do you think I remembered how much that spankin' hurt before I made a decision to go to my friend's house?  Yes, I did.  I did as I was told.  But my point here is that even though my dad disciplined me, his love for me didn't change.  He didn't reject me or give me conditions to earn his love back.  Because I was his child, he loved me unconditionally. 

Likewise, I remember many times as a child when I was sick and needed extra care because I couldn't do things for myself.  My mom had a very compassionate heart.  She wanted to make me as comfortable as possible until I was better.  I remember when I was little she would caress my back for comfort or touch my forehead to make sure I wasn't too hot with fever.  She didn't leave me to fend for myself.  She nursed me back to health.  Sometimes she held me; other times, she left me alone to rest.  But at no time was she absent, even if she wasn't in my room.  She was always there, just a call away.  And no matter what time of day or night I needed her during those times, she came to me.  If my mom and dad, who are human, showed such love and care for me here on earth, how much more do you think my Heavenly Father loves me?  He who created me, and knew me before I was in my mother's womb?

God loves us so much.  His compassion towards us is endless.  He understands that we are limited by our humanity.  That we make mistakes.  That we are hardheaded at times.  That we need tender touches, and loving care when we are sick.  In His passionate pursuit of us, He never let's go of us.  He doesn't change His mind about us because we made the same mistake again.  When we are asleep, our great God is awake.  He never sleeps or slumbers.  He doesn't take bathroom breaks or vacations.  God sees me.  I'm thankful for this. 

I need to know this about God because even as an adult, I mess up a lot.  Sometimes I feel a lot of shame going to God again, asking Him to forgive me for the same thing I just talked with Him about days ago.  Sometimes I avoid bringing up my sin altogether because I feel disappointed in myself.  God knows my weaknesses.  He reminds me in His loving ways that when I am weak He is strong.  Ever wonder how you made it through something difficult?  I answer that question by acknowledging God and thanking Him for giving me the strength and courage to make it through.  I sense Him calling to me when I run from Him.  I am compelled to lay down my struggles, and let Him lift me up to higher places because I cannot handle some of life's tough circumstances on my own.   

May I ask you kindly: where are you today with your relationship with God.  How do you believe He sees you? Are you going through some circumstance that has you thinking He has forgotten about you?  Are you looking for answers to your cries, and wonder about your value to Him--or ask the question does He really care?  God's shoulders are big enough to handle each of these questions.  May I humbly speak to you the words I believe God would say to you and wants you to hear?

Son, daughter, I see you in the wee hours of the night, crying out for My help.  You may not understand or feel my presence while you hurt deeply, but I am with you.  I will never leave you or turn away from you.  Each day you awake, I've given you the strength and courage you need.  Lean on Me.  Turn your eyes towards Me.  See Me in your circumstances, working all of those details you worry over, out for your good and for My glory.  I know the thoughts and plans I have for you.  My plans for you are for good, to give you a hope and a future.  My thoughts towards you are good not evil.  My love for you never runs out; and it never lets up on you.  When you seek Me, you will find me. I will be found by you. 
My prayer for you dear friend is that you experience God's loving embrace today.  That you see Him in tangible ways, and that you are overwhelmed by His love.  And may I humbly remind you as you go about your day, God sees you.  He hears you.  Even if you can't see Him, He is with you.  Working behind the scenes, working all of the details together for your good. 

Many blessing to you,

Dori Price

Do you know Jesus?  To understand God's never ending love, we must have a relationship, an encounter with His Son Jesus.  To acknowledge that He died on an old rugged cross, a redemptive, unconditional act, to give us a way out of our sin.  Does this mean we have to be perfect?  Absolutely not; He is the only perfect one in this universe.  Draw near to Jesus, and He will draw near to you.  You don't need to say a lofty prayer or be in church to make this commitment.  You just need a quiet place to rest your head, to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord, and as Your Savior.  Please let me know if you've made this commitment.  And if you need prayer, leave your comments.  I am honored to lift you up.